App Refund Policy

How is the Dropast subscription billed?
Dropast is a Shopify app, so your subscription is billed through Shopify’s billing system according to their 30-day cycle. Your subscription follows your Shopify billing cycle. For instance, if your Dropast subscription runs from December 18 to January 18 (Cycle A) and January 18 to February 18 (Cycle B), you’ll see corresponding charges on your Shopify invoice, based on your Shopify billing cycle.
Will I receive a refund if I do not use Dropast, yet I am charged for the subscription?
No, Dropast does not issue refunds for subscription charges, regardless of usage.
Can I view my recurring app charges?
Yes, you can view all recurring charges for your app subscriptions, including Dropast, directly from your Shopify admin dashboard.
What happens if I deactivate my store or stop paying my Shopify bills?
you deactivate your store or stop paying your bills, Shopify freezes your account and suspends recurring app charges. Once you resume payments or reopen your store within 30 days, your recurring charges will automatically resume.
How do Shopify’s billing cycle and the app’s billing cycle work together?
Shopify invoices you for your subscription every 30 days, while Dropast operates on its own 30-day billing cycle. The app charges are included on your Shopify invoice, synchronized with your overall subscription period.
What if I pause my store using Shopify’s Pause and Build plan?
If you pause your store, we recommend uninstalling third-party apps with recurring charges—including Dropast—to avoid continued billing during the pause period.
Can I be charged twice for the same subscription period?
No, you will not be charged twice. Once your app cycles are billed as part of your Shopify subscription, there will be no additional charges from Shopify for those cycles.
Where can I find more detailed information about Shopify app subscriptions and billing?
For further details, please refer to Shopify's official help documentation on app subscriptions at Shopify Help: App Subscriptions.